Medi-Cal planning Counsel Woodland Hills Attorneys Lawyers Ca
With a bit of guidance from a specialist attorney, you can protect certain assets from Medi-Cal recovery. When a court transfers the assets of the ill spouse to the well spouse, and makes those assets separate property of the well spouse, Medi-Cal no longer has a claim to those assets. Therefore, planning in advance can often assist the well spouse in preventing future recovery by Medi-Cal against the separate property.
Typical Clients:
When should you call us?
1. You have a spouse who is entering a convalescent home or who is in the hospital.
2. You have a spouse who is already in a convalescent home.
3. If you or your spouse have a health condition which will likely need long term care.
4. If you or your spouse has been diagnosed with alzheimers or dementia.
5. You are not sure you will need convalescent home care but want to plan in advance.
Nursing Home Costs in California:
According to a May 2011 article in the Sacramento Business Journal, it is reported that “the cost of a private room in a nursing home in California is $91,250 a year; the national rate is $77,745 a year. The cost in California has risen 3.8 percent a year over the past six years, compared to an national increase of 4.4 percent per year.” “The median hourly rate for home health aides is $21 an hour in California and $19 per hour nationally, according to the 2011 Cost of Care Survey by Genworth Financial.”
Contact our Medi-Cal Planning / Elder Law attorneys in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley for an appointment. Tel.: 818-340-4479. Medi-Cal planning Counsel Woodland Hills Attorneys Lawyers Ca. Medi-Cal Planning Attorneys.